We came home feeling exhausted, but it was worth it. Yeah. It's been a pretty long solid day. There were 4 lectures. We were really mobile that day. The first three lectures were at VNIIOkeangeologia and the last lecture was at the Saint Petersburg State University Main Building. We spent the night in one of the cozy restaurants around Nevsky Avenue. Don't worry! I'll tell you about them one by one. Prepare your snacks, or not. Just sit and enjoy our story here. Ah, I'll give you foods we ordered that night first.
Our dinner that day. Suddenly I feel hungry now. Who doesn't though? (Photo by me) |
Considering how tight our schedule was, we decided to take a bus to VNIIOkeangeologia from the bus stop near our hotel. The first lecture was delivered by Prof. Dr. German Leichenkov on the Geodynamics of Passive Continental Margins. In this lecture, we learn about passive continental margins and their dynamics. Yup, really useful for me with minimum knowledge about this topic. The materials are also not too much, so didn't make my head spinning.
The second lecture was the second part of yesterday's lecture, which was about deepsea minerals by Prof. Dr. Georgy Cherkashov. Yesterday was about SMS deposits. That day we were talking about deposits of polymetallic nodules and polymetallic crusts. These are three types of deepsea minerals that will be something significant in the future.
After lunch at the usual place, we had the third lecture. The third lecture on the geophysical study of marine basement rocks and sediments was delivered by Prof. Alexey Piskarev. This lecture describes the role of geophysics in the study of bedrock and sediments. This is a lecture that I'm familiar with. It was something new even for me that also a geophysicist. I've been using the geophysics method for about 4 years, but only on the land, not the ocean.
The last lecture at the Saint Petersburg State University's main building. (Photo by me) |
Then we moved to Saint Petersburg State University's main building. If you read my story about Repina Street from day 3, the main building was around that area. There was a big hall and our next lecture was held there. This last lecture was like a public lecture that was followed by not only the seven of us but all Saint Petersburg University students who wanted to join. There were two presenters, namely Stefan von Holtzbrinck from Saint Petersburg State University and Daniel Hook who is the CEO of Digital Science. Both of them explain how the future of science is in today's digital era. One thing that I still remember until now on that day was the idea to make a new digital format of a scientific paper. So, inside that format, we can even include raw data, methods used, and everything. That's really interesting.
We then took a bus again to Nevsky Prospekt. We took some nice pictures on the way there.
Neva River in the evening with Hermitage Museum in the other bank. (Photo by me)
Rubel and Jose were sitting on the bus on our way to the restaurant. (Photo by Isuri) |
Then we got off of the bus just before Anichkov Bridge. The atmosphere was really nice on that cold night. So we took some pictures there too.
One of 4 sculptures made by Peter Klodtin each corner of Anichkov Bridge. (Picture by me)
Isuri's picture with Nevsky Avenue on the left above Anichkov Bridge. (Photo by Bia)
Then we arrived at Sunny Georgia restaurant, one of Georgian restaurants in Saint Petersburg. This restaurant was located at Ulitsa Nekrasova. Note that I use "was", because when I checked the restaurant again on Google maps, it said that the place was permanently closed. Oh my!
Our photos during dinner. From the left: Rubel, Jose, Isuri, Artyom, Me, Bia, and Dolo. Amina was the one who took the picture. (Picture by Rubel)
From the other side. This time Artyom took the picture and we can see Amina is in the middle. (Picture by Rubel) |
I remember that we talked about tomorrow's plan. We don't have any lectures on the weekends, so it will be an amazing weekend for us. The first place to go is the Hermitage Museum. And the second one is Krestovsky Stadium or Gazprom Arena, a home stadium for one of the biggest football clubs in Russia, Zenit FC. Check for the next post for how fun that was.
The iconic picture that proved we were happy with the food.. (Photo by Bia)
We went home by bus that night. It's around half an hour before midnight. The atmosphere was really comforting. I took some pictures on the way home.
A picture of one junction in Nevsky Avenue from the bus half an hour before midnight. (Photo by me)
A beautiful midnight view above Neva River from Dvortsovyy Most Bridge. You can see the Hermitage Museum in on the Neva River bank. (Photo by me) |
We arrived at the hotel around a quarter past midnight. That was a long day. But I said before, it was worth it. Thank you, guys! See you on the next post!
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