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July 30, 2022

ISA Training Day 23-25: Fishing in Offshore Busan, South Korea!

Just after the beautiful sunset in Sunday evening, October 21, 2018, we arrived at Busan. Yeah, Busan, North Korea. This city doesn't sound familiar with me. Nope, not because the movie Train to Busan that was released in 2016, but far earlier than that. It was one of host cities in 2002 World Cup. Busan is also host city for 2002 Asian Games. Okay, enough for the Busan intro. Take a look one of photos taken by Dolo.

A hill in the south of Busan captured by Dolo from the vessel

The weather of that end of October was quite nice, not that cold as Slavyanka's temperature. We couldn't get off of the vessel so we spent some quality times only on vessel. At that night, we went fishing in the back of the vessel. I'm not a fan of fishing, but it was a great experience. We were talking while we're waiting the bait to get eaten by the fish. We couldn't hide our happiness when we got our first fish.

Me and scientist group were fishing. (Photo by Dolo)

A fish we got at that night. (Photo by me)

Kira and the fish she got. (Photo by Kira)

The next day, our class training was started. In the first week, two trainees a day will give a presentation about work and country. Bia talked about work in the morning and Isuri talked about countries in the afternoon. My turn and Jose's are the day after that. We talked about work. I talked about my working experience and also my research center.

Bia's presentation on work.

Isuri's presentation introducing her country.

Jose is talking about his work

We also got new meal menu for one week. Here's the menu:

God, I miss these meals so bad! Haha

The next day, October 23, 2018, we departed from Busan towards Magellan Seamount, West Pacific. As a tradition, we throw coin to the ocean. Here's the video of Yuriy doing it.


Here are some pictures we captured as we left Busan:

Busan from Dolo's telelens.

This is our favorite (Photo by Dolo)

Steep cliff captured by Dolo

Busan at the back now. (Photo by Kira)

Goodbye, Busan.. (Photo by Yuriy)

Thanks for reading this, guys! See you in the next post! You can check all posts of ISA Training series here.

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